Beautiful Photos of Abyssinian Cat
The Abyssinian is a natural breed of domesticated cat. It is said to have originated from one Egyptian female kitten called Zula that was taken from a port in Alexandria, by a British soldier and brought to England

The Abyssinian has a distinctly ticked, tawny coat. The tail and paws may show tabby markings. It has large almond-shaped green or gold eyes with a fine dark line around them, and large ears.

This breed is active, friendly, curious & playful, but are usually not lap cats; they are occupied with exploring & playing in their surroundings; they are "busy" felines, & can get bored & depressed without every day activity & attention.

ReplyDeleteIf you’ve got a cat that keeps peeing all over your house, it becomes annoying after a while.
The bad smells and the effort involved in cleaning up makes life a misery.
So much so that some people consider getting rid of their cat...
Cuz that seems to be the only logical way to solve the problem.
But the great news is you don’t have to do this.
You CAN keep your cat and stop the problem.
All you have to do is try “Cat Spraying No More”.
It’s a PROVEN step-by-step system guaranteed to stop your cat peeing outside its litter box.
You’ll discover how to use your cat’s own instincts to stop the problem.
And it’s also backed up by a 60-day money back guarantee, so there’s no risk.
Go here to find out more… VET Reveals How to Stop Your Cat Peeing Outside the Litter Box PERMANENTLY!
Talk soon.